Apologising is one thing that most people find difficult doing. Apologising is you throwing yourself at the mercy of the person you have wronged and hoping they forgive you. Forgiveness is a choice that is left for the other party, however, it also depends on how sincere you are with your apology. In a relationship, it is essential that you leave your ego and learn how to say sorry when the need arises and in the most sincere way. Below are some tips on how to apologise in a relationship: Be the bigger person Sometimes, be the bigger person in your…
Author: Onyinyechi Nwanunobi
Remember when you were dating? There was strategy involved in “the game,” and each move you made was meticulously calculated. In the end, you were good enough to win the prize — your spouse.But that wasn’t the end, you simply advanced to the next level. As talented as you are, you’ll need to be even better to win the ultimate prize – a successful and happy marriage! So, what does it take to make it to the finish line (and beyond!) with your spouse? What are the skills you need to fine-tune in order to ace this test? It is…
Relationships between a man and a woman are unique to each couple and are built on a foundation of trust, communication, respect, and love. However, there are some important things that partners should discuss while in a relationship to ensure that they are on the same page and are working towards a fulfilling partnership. Communication Partners should discuss their communication styles and how they can effectively communicate with each other. It’s important to be able to express feelings, thoughts, and needs in a healthy and respectful manner. Boundaries Partners should discuss and set boundaries in their relationship. This includes personal…
Some important things about beans that you probably didn’t know. Alongside rice and garri, beans is a well-established item in the average Nigerian’s diet. You can’t list three Nigerian staple foods without mentioning beans. Obviously it is popular, well consumed and possesses quite a number of advantages. But that’s not all there is to know about it. Beans can also be disadvantageous in some ways. Here are 5 of its side effects: Gas This one is pretty obvious and well publicised. Eating beans increases the regularity of your farts. Beans contain sugars and fibre that your body may struggle to…
There are solid meals ‘swallow’ which most Nigerians can’t be caught eating. Swallow in Nigeria refers to foods that you do not usually chew, but swallow in molds and eat with soup, stew, or sauce. There are many kinds of swallows in Nigeria including the likes of Eba, Pounded yam, Semo, etc. Among these, there are some swallows that some Nigerians won’t be caught dead eating. Here are the three probably most hated swallows in Nigeria; 1) Starch Starch is a swallow popular among the Urhobos and Ijaws in South-South Nigeria. It is enjoyed with the native soups – Banga…
You probably didn’t know this, but the busier you are, the more self-care you need. Self-care is essential for your optimal health and survival on this planet because feeling replenished from within will bring you gifts of more energy, creativity, and more space for problem-solving and time for the things you enjoy. When you don’t take care of yourself in proportion to your busyness, you create an internal imbalance that leads to increased stress and a decline in health and happiness. Sometimes we get caught up in our day-to-day routines and become extremely busy but there must always be time…
A person’s confidence comes from many things. The way they talk, the way they smell, the way they dress, the way they carry themselves, and the icing on the cake, the way their skin glows. While skincare has been around for a long time, the buzz around skincare has become more heightened recently. In fact, skincare is no longer just linked to feminity as most people, male or female, now see the need to care for their skin. Your skin is a part of you. And just as you can’t go out wearing dirty and rumpled looking clothes, so should…
Taking care of our skin is the most essential task to do. check out amazing way u can achieve a healthy glowing skin. With trends like the “clean girl aesthetic”, “vanilla girl aesthetic”, with ice rollers, gua sha, lemon water, green tea, matcha and so on. It’s easy to get overwhelmed and impossible to keep up with all the latest beauty and skincare trends that pop up on your social media feed and timeline. So, we’ve decided to take it back to what REALLY matters and would work wonders on your skin naturally. It’s not always about splurging on products…
Public toilets can be a pain to pee in, but what’s the right way to use them? For women, it is common trying to strike a balance between legs, feet, and thighs and hovering above the public toilet seat in such a way that you don’t touch the seat and yet land your pee exactly where it should. This is because you don’t want to touch the germs and bacteria floating on public toilet seats. When you are not properly sitting and just hovering over the toilet seat and peeing, you are making your pelvic floor weak. The pelvis has…
Mango is an excellent source of vitamins A and C, which are both essential for healthy skin. Vitamin A helps to reduce wrinkles and blemishes, while vitamin C helps to boost collagen production and protects the skin from free radicals. Mango is also high in antioxidants, which can help combat the effects of sun damage and pollution. It can be used in the form of a face mask, a scrub, or even just eaten to help promote healthy skin. Here are some benefits the skin gain when you eat mangoes: Skin moisturizer Mango contains vitamin A, which helps to moisturize…
Seeds look petite in size but are a powerhouse of essential vitamins and minerals. Every fruit and vegetable has some superfood quality. as do their seeds, which are a powerhouse of essential vitamins and nutrients. Seeds are rich in fibre content. They have all the starting materials that are necessary to develop into complex plants, and that is why they are highly nutritious. Alongside, they are filled with healthy monosaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats, and other essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. When they are consumed in moderation as a part of our daily diet, they can aid in bringing down blood…
What exactly is the difference between patience and wasting time? From experience, I’ve already encountered several situations that have left me wondering, ‘Am I being patient for the right reasons, or am I simply wasting time?’ It is a question you should consider in many aspects of your life. It is applicable in a broad range of situations. When you have done work but it has not yet paid off. Then you must be calm and wait for the result; that’s patience. On the other hand, it is when you sleep in bed, waiting for the world to change but…