Author: Onyinyechi Nwanunobi

Foods can always act as a medium to fill your tummy as well as a medicine. Foods can serve as a medicine in various ways including helping wounds heal faster. These readily available foods contain nutrients that can help reduce inflammation, improve the immune system and generally help your body heal better. Here are five foods that can help wounds heal faster. 1) Honey Honey has been known over time for its use in treatment of wounds. This sweet fluid made by honeybees is capable of clearing infection, healing infected surgical wounds and can also sterilize wounds. In addition, applying…

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Eating three dates every morning for a week can have amazing benefits for your energy levels and detox. Dates are one of the oldest fruits dating back 8,000 years as a staple in the Babylonian diet. They are mainly grown in North Africa and Israel in a variety of types like honey yellow, red, and brown which is the most common type. Varieties If you have ever eaten dates, it is likely that you had the mahogany brown Medjool which is sweetest and tastes a bit like toffee. They are available in fresh (November to January) or dried rich deep…

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Should you be worried about the sugar content of your fresh fruits? Read on to find out when you should and shouldn’t be. Fresh fruits are nutritious foods and healthy sources of minerals, vitamins, fibre, and phytochemicals. So where does concern about their sugar content come from? Fruits have a high glycemic load but they balance it out with their fibre and seeds. This way they don’t destabilise the blood sugar. Wild fruits and domesticated fruits However, fruits have come a long way from the wild foods they once were to the domestic form they are in today. There’s a…

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We all know that scene in the movie when the characters sit around the table for breakfast and one or all of them leave without eating a quarter of the meal. The little voice inside your head might go “can never be me” and it would be right. Fictional characters sometimes don’t appreciate the most important meal of the day. But the other side is also true. Making breakfast, let alone eating it, can be hard with busy schedules, scheduled activities, and poor health habits. The thought of making that movie scene-worthy breakfast can be overwhelming but it is doable.…

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Vaginal itching often happens due to hygiene issues. Vaginal itching, sometimes called vaginitis, occurs when the vagina becomes inflamed, often also causing discharge and pain. Vaginal itching is a signal that something is amiss in the vagina, and depending on the cause, it may warrant a trip to the healthcare provider. There are more causes of vaginal itching like infections, estrogen hormone deficiency and chemical irritants such as creams or even condoms. So, you shouldn’t just assume that it’s itchy down there just because of a lack of intimate hygiene. It is important to keep your vagina clean, but you…

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Some gym equipments are dirtier than toilets. The gym is a popular place where people go to exercise, but do you know that many gym equipment are incredibly filthy and even harmful? A company that rates workout equipment, Fit Rated, carried out a study in 2017. They examined bacteria samples from 27 pieces of equipment from three gyms. With different people grabbing, sweating, releasing body fluids on gym equipments, it’s no wonder they are dirty and full of germs. Here are three of them. 1. Free weights According to Fit Rated, free weights have 362 times as many germs as…

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There are several natural remedies that can help to reduce body odour by targeting the bacteria that causes it. Here are some examples: Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple cider vinegar has antibacterial properties that can help to eliminate the bacteria that cause body odour. It works by creating an acidic environment that is inhospitable to these bacteria. To use, mix equal parts of apple cider vinegar and water, and apply the mixture to your underarms with a cotton ball. Baking Soda: Baking soda is a natural deodorizer that can help to absorb moisture and eliminate the bacteria that cause body odour.…

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The list of world happiest countries has been released in the data of the world happiness report. The basis of these analyses and tools are usually drawn from the most common, which are healthy life expectancy, GDP per capita, social support, low corruption, generosity in a community where people look after each other and freedom to make key life decisions. Let’s take a look at the top 5 countries as compared to the lowest ranking countries, and importantly where does Nigeria rank? The answer should not surprise you; you will understand using the analysis listed above. Finland: There is no…

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How would you feel if you’re to work for four days in a week only? In most countries across the world, people work Mondays to Fridays and enjoy the weekend as their time off. For others, they work five days weekly and even on weekends. There are, however, some countries that have chosen to adopt a system where people only work four days a week. Here are five of them; 1) Belgium In February 2022, Belgium decided to introduce a four-day workweek to employees who want it. These employees were allowed to condense all their usual working hours into four…

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Your brain is the most important organ in your body. It keeps your heart beating, lungs breathing and all the systems in your body functioning. That’s why it’s essential to keep your brain working in perfect condition with a healthy diet. Some foods have negative effects on the brain, impacting your memory and mood and increasing your risk of dementia. You need to note these foods and take them as little as possible. Total avoidance may not be possible, however, if you reduce how often you take it, it will go a long way in keeping your brains safe. Sugary…

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Nigeria is a country rich in lots of interesting elements that adds to the colourful nature of the people. Food in Nigeria is a jamboree with assorted foods from different communities that draws individuals to their way of life and culture. One type of food that resonates with many Nigerians are popular street foods. These street foods range from one location to another. This takes our food journey to the streets of the coastal city of Port Harcourt. The city of Port Harcourt located in the Southern part of Nigeria is the fifth-largest in the country. Significantly part of the…

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Babies make us happy as they serve as a physical reminder of the love between the couple. After delivery, the baby has to be cared for which can be challenging for first-time parents. In Nigeria, various tribes have various practices to accommodate a new baby into the family like “omugwo for Igbo”, “ojojo omo for Yoruba” and “umaan for Akwa Ibom.” Omugwo is a traditional Igbo custom for postpartum care by the mother of the couple. The importance of this practice is that it helps the new mother to ease into her new role through the experience of the mother(husband or…

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