To have a hobby is to have a life. In a busy world where we spend 70 percent of our waking time at work, it is easy to forget to have a life outside work.
What we do outside of work can often contribute to our success at work. Maintaining a healthy level of stress has many positive benefits but there is a thin line between healthy and negative stress which we all cross from time to time.
That is where the hobby usually comes in to balance out the excess stress, proving crucial for mental health.
Here are the five reasons everyone should have a hobby:
Most hobbies require creativity because they are passion-driven. Developing creativity through a hobby can transfer directly into creativity at work. There are not many ways on the job to develop creativity and this skill is extremely important in today’s business world.
Hobbies build confidence because being good at something and learning something new is very rewarding. Job roles and responsibilities change so often we are often faced with learning new things. The confidence you gain from challenging yourself in your hobby can help prepare you for learning new things at work.
Reduce Negative Stress
Getting caught up in something you enjoy doing is great for relieving stress because it refocuses your mind on something that you enjoy. Hobbies that require some level of physical activity also create chemical changes in our body that help reduce stress but even if your hobby does not require physical activity you can still benefit.
Hobbies like motorcycle riding or hitting the gym or football provide endless ways to connect with people that enjoy doing the same things that you do. Hobbies are also a great opportunity to meet new people, discuss your hobby and get more involved with bigger groups. Hobbies result in long-term friendships.
Personal Development
Hobbies can be a great way for personal development in that the passion that goes into some hobbies tend to create a new set of skills that you can then sale as a side hustle. If for instance your hobby is a photography, at some point you are going to be so good that people start to notice and to hire you for jobs in that line. Same applies to things like yoga, to going to the gym, etc.