Socialite Pascal Okechukwu, famously known as Cubana Chief Priest, has been granted bail in the sum of N10 million by Justice Kehinde Ogundare of the Federal High Court in Lagos State. The bail requires two sureties of equal value.
GOVIMA reported that Cubana Chief Priest entered a plea of not guilty to charges of tampering with and abusing the Nigerian currency, the naira, during his court appearance.
Allegedly, the celebrity barman faced three counts related to the abuse of the naira, specifically for spraying and tampering with the currency at a social gathering, contravening the Central Bank Act of 2007. The incident purportedly occurred on February 13, 2024, at Eko Hotel.
During the event, Cubana Chief Priest was accused of spraying naira notes while dancing, which involved tampering with funds in the denomination of N500 notes issued by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), reportedly for a duration of two hours.
Further details are expected to emerge soon.