The Omi Eko project aims to develop 15 ferry routes cutting across Lagos lagoon including 140 km of IWT network marked and dredged, the upgrading of 25 ferry terminals and jetties and the acquisition of 75 electric-powered vessels.
Charging stations at pontoons will be powered by a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) supplied by solar PV panels, while the grid and a CNG backup generator will support the system.
The project also includes equipment for routine maintenance, a control center for the IWT network, and associated systems including ticketing.
It is complemented by a technical and engineering assistance component to the project implementing agency Lagos State Waterways Authority (LASWA).
The total investment cost amounts to EUR 410 million and is financed by an AFD loan of EUR 130 million, an EIB loan of EUR 170 million and a grant from the European Union of EUR 60 million, which will cover the cost of the electric charging infrastructure.
The project will contribute to 10 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as climate action (SDG 13), sustainable cities (SDG 11) and infrastructures (SDG 9).