Obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterised by unreasonable thoughts and fears (obsessions) that lead to compulsive behaviours.
If there is one thing young Nigerians are used to saying is that they have is OCD.
Young Nigerians say they have OCD because they have a general sense of cleanliness. But how does one really know if they have OCD?
Like every mental illness, a doctor has to diagnose a person with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
When you have OCD, you have a pattern of unpleasant thoughts and anxieties (Obsessions) that cause you to engage in repetitive behaviours (compulsions). These compulsive thoughts and behaviours disrupt daily life and cause severe distress.
These obsessions are intrusive, recurrent, and unwelcome, and they cause a great deal of distress or anxiety.
Ignoring your obsessions doesn’t work as it makes you more upset and anxious. In the end, you are compelled to engage in obsessive behaviours to feel better. This feeds the OCD cycle, which results in more ritualistic behaviour.
Examples of obsessions are;
- Wondering whether you properly locked the door or turned off the gas
- When things aren’t in order or facing the right way, it causes a lot of stress.
- Thoughts of running your car into a crowd of people
- Feelings of acting improperly in public or yelling obscenities
- Excess worry about dirt or contamination
- Anxiety about uncertainty and ambiguous statements or events
- Requiring symmetry and order in everything
- Having uncontrollable thoughts of hurting others and yourself
- Fear of getting sick after handling stuff that other people have touched
Compulsions are recurrent actions that you feel compelled to carry out if you have OCD. These recurrent actions, whether physical or mental, are intended to lessen anxiety brought on by your obsessions or avert negative outcomes.
When you are experiencing obsessive thoughts, you can create rules or rituals that you must adhere to in order to manage your anxiety. These compulsions are extreme and frequently have no connection to the
In order to manage your anxiety when you are having obsessive thoughts, you might make up some rules or rituals.
These compulsive behaviours are excessive and frequently have nothing to do with the issue they are meant to resolve. You may resolve obsessive thoughts by;
Examples of compulsions;
- Arranging things in an orderly manner
- Observing a rigid schedule
- Asking for assurance or clarification constantly
- Scrubbing your hands until your skin feels raw
- Cleaning and laundering constantly
- Checking
- Counting
- Confirming repeatedly that doors are locked
- Repeatedly making sure the stove is turned off
- Recognizing patterns in the numbers
- Reciting a prayer, word, or phrase silently
- Set all of your canned items on their sides.