The ongoing drama between Cubana Chief Priest and Burna Boy has taken a new turn.
Chief Priest has promised to use his influence to secure the release of Speed Darlington, who has been jailed for weeks after criticizing Burna Boy.
Chief Priest’s move is seen as a bold challenge to Burna Boy’s power and influence. The celebrity barman vowed to ensure Speed Darlington’s freedom by Monday and also challenged Burna Boy to a show of power.
The feud between Chief Priest and Burna Boy started as an exchange of words but has escalated into a battle of supremacy, money, and influence. Burna Boy had earlier shown support for Chief Priest’s alleged brother and baby mama, offering financial assistance, which was seen as a move to smear Chief Priest’s reputation.
Netizens have been reacting to the drama, with some sharing pictures and videos claiming to be related to Chief Priest in hopes of securing financial rewards from Burna Boy.
The situation is unfolding, and it remains to be seen how Burna Boy will respond to Chief Priest’s latest move.