Renowned Nigerian playwright and theatre director, Wole Oguntokun, has passed away at the age of 56. Oguntokun, who was also a lawyer, breathed his last on Wednesday, leaving behind a legacy of theatrical brilliance and creative genius.
The news of his demise was confirmed by his close friend and film director, Kayode Peters, who shared the somber announcement on his Instagram page Thursday afternoon.
Peters reminisced about their shared journey in the world of theatre, recalling how he directed Oguntokun’s first-ever performance story, ‘Who is Afraid of Wole Soyinka,’ at various prestigious venues, including the Muson Centre, where they had the honour of hosting the great Wole Soyinka himself.
Their collaboration extended beyond the stage, as they ventured into television production with the groundbreaking comedy series ‘Crossworld Blues’ on DBN TV. Despite Oguntokun’s relocation to Canada, their bond remained strong, with him continually urging Peters to join him abroad.
Born on July 15, 1967, Oguntokun was not only a creative force in Nigeria but also contributed to the Canadian theatre scene as a board member of Theaturtle, a prominent theatre company.
As an alumnus of Obafemi Awolowo University, Oguntokun showcased his versatile talents by producing and writing acclaimed TV sitcoms such as ‘Crossworld Blues’ in 1999 and ‘Living Free’ in 2002, leaving an indelible mark on the entertainment industry.
In a poignant tribute, popular actor Ozzy Agu fondly recalled his collaboration with Oguntokun in theatre plays, notably ‘The Red,’ based on the story of Little Red Riding Hood, highlighting the profound impact Oguntokun had on his peers and the Nigerian arts community.
As Nigeria mourns the loss of one of its brightest creative minds, Oguntokun’s legacy as a visionary playwright and theatre director will continue to inspire generations to come.